You need to access the many valuable on-line resources that are now available. As you may be aware, there is a great deal of misinformation and outdated information on the Internet. We have carefully vetted the information to which we are providing external links. We will let you know if you need to treat the information we are providing with caution. Here are several of them.
We have linked you to a series of videos produced by the World Health Organization.
While the World Health Organization is a very credible source of information, there is some concern that the information currently being provided might be a bit dated. This is always a challenge with any news outlet: how do you keep up with fast breaking developments (especially when they are worldwide)?
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
The information provided by these Centers is considered quite credible (but understandably focusing on the United States). Here is a link from the Centers for Disease Control (US Government) intended for physicians about the virus–you are getting the “inside” information:
We recognize that the recommended steps are often hard to achieve–especially isolation from other members of your family who have been required to stay at home. The obvious answer is to partition off a part of your home where you can reside–at the very least this might be your bedroom. You won’t be able to completely disconnect from other family members, but you can minimize this interaction. And both you and other family members must frequently wash hands and disinfect surfaces (with a mixture of bleach and abundant water if nothing else). The isolation is needed not just for health reasons, but also as a way to reduce one of the major psychological challenges — the guilt.
We would also suggest that you look for support not just from your family, but also from friends, co-workers and extended family members (including parents, brothers, sisters, etc.). Even more important might be your connection with other people who are similarly infected. One of the members of our Global Psychology Task Force has been infected–and has helped set up an on-line support group made up of other people who have been infected. You might want to start up your own support group, or join one that already exists. We have provided links to existing support groups.